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- ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package:(PCL (LISP WALKER)); Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
- ;;;
- ;;; *************************************************************************
- ;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Xerox Corporation.
- ;;; All rights reserved.
- ;;;
- ;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
- ;;; based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this
- ;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
- ;;; States export control laws.
- ;;;
- ;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
- ;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
- ;;; specification.
- ;;;
- ;;; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their
- ;;; name and post office or electronic mail address to:
- ;;; CommonLoops Coordinator
- ;;; Xerox PARC
- ;;; 3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
- ;;; Palo Alto, CA 94304
- ;;; (or send Arpanet mail to CommonLoops-Coordinator.pa@Xerox.com)
- ;;;
- ;;; Suggestions, comments and requests for improvements are also welcome.
- ;;; *************************************************************************
- ;;;
- ;;; Xerox-Lisp specific environment hacking for PCL
- (in-package "PCL")
- ;;
- ;; Protect the Corporation
- ;;
- (eval-when (eval load)
- (format *terminal-io*
- "~&;PCL-ENV Copyright (c) 1987, 1988, 1989, by ~
- Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.~%"))
- ;;; Make funcallable instances (FINs) print by calling print-object.
- (eval-when (eval load)
- (il:defprint 'il:compiled-closure 'il:print-closure))
- (defun il:print-closure (x &optional stream depth)
- ;; See the IRM, section 25.3.3. Unfortunatly, that documentation is
- ;; not correct. In particular, it makes no mention of the third argument.
- (cond ((not (funcallable-instance-p x))
- ;; IL:\CCLOSURE.DEFPRINT is the orginal system function for
- ;; printing closures
- (il:\\cclosure.defprint x stream))
- ((streamp stream)
- ;; Use the standard PCL printing method, then return T to tell
- ;; the printer that we have done the printing ourselves.
- (print-object x stream)
- t)
- (t
- ;; Internal printing (again, see the IRM section 25.3.3).
- ;; Return a list containing the string of characters that
- ;; would be printed, if the object were being printed for
- ;; real.
- (with-output-to-string (stream)
- (list (print-object x stream))))))
- ;;; Naming methods
- (defun gf-named (gf-name)
- (let ((spec (cond ((symbolp gf-name) gf-name)
- ((and (consp gf-name)
- (eq (first gf-name) 'setf)
- (symbolp (second gf-name))
- (null (cddr gf-name)))
- (get-setf-function-name (second gf-name)))
- (t nil))))
- (if (and (fboundp spec)
- (generic-function-p (symbol-function spec)))
- (symbol-function spec)
- nil)))
- (defun generic-function-method-names (gf-name hasdefp)
- (if hasdefp
- (let ((names nil))
- (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
- (declare (ignore value))
- (when (and (consp key) (eql (car key) gf-name))
- (pushnew key names)))
- (gethash 'methods xcl:*definition-hash-table*))
- names)
- (let ((gf (gf-named gf-name)))
- (when gf
- (mapcar #'full-method-name (generic-function-methods gf))))))
- (defun full-method-name (method)
- "Return the full name of the method"
- (let ((specializers (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
- (cond ((eq x 't) t)
- ((consp x) x)
- (t (class-name x))))
- (method-type-specifiers method))))
- ;; Now go through some hair to make sure that specializer is
- ;; really right. Once PCL returns the right value for
- ;; specializers this can be taken out.
- (let* ((arglist (method-arglist method))
- (number-required (or (position-if
- #'(lambda (x) (member x lambda-list-keywords))
- arglist)
- (length arglist)))
- (diff (- number-required (length specializers))))
- (when (> diff 0)
- (setq specializers (nconc (copy-list specializers)
- (make-list diff :initial-element 't)))))
- (make-full-method-name (generic-function-name
- (method-generic-function method))
- (method-qualifiers method)
- specializers)))
- (defun make-full-method-name (generic-function-name qualifiers arg-types)
- "Return the full name of a method, given the generic-function name, the method
- qualifiers, and the arg-types"
- ;; The name of the method is:
- ;; (<generic-function-name> <qualifier-1> ..
- ;; (<arg-specializer-1>..))
- (labels ((remove-trailing-ts (l)
- (if (null l)
- nil
- (let ((tail (remove-trailing-ts (cdr l))))
- (if (null tail)
- (if (eq (car l) 't)
- nil
- (list (car l)))
- (if (eq l tail)
- l
- (cons (car l) tail)))))))
- `(,generic-function-name ,@qualifiers
- ,(remove-trailing-ts arg-types))))
- (defun parse-full-method-name (method-name)
- "Parse the method name, returning the gf-name, the qualifiers, and the
- arg-types."
- (values (first method-name)
- (butlast (rest method-name))
- (car (last method-name))))
- (defun prompt-for-full-method-name (gf-name &optional has-def-p)
- "Prompt the user for the full name of a method on the given generic function name"
- (let ((method-names (generic-function-method-names gf-name has-def-p)))
- (cond ((null method-names)
- nil)
- ((null (cdr method-names))
- (car method-names))
- (t (il:menu
- (il:create
- il:menu il:items il:_ ;If HAS-DEF-P, include only
- ; those methods that have a
- ; symbolic def'n that we can
- ; find
- (remove-if #'null
- (mapcar #'(lambda (m)
- (if (or (not has-def-p)
- (il:hasdef m 'methods))
- `(,(with-output-to-string (s)
- (dolist (x m)
- (format s "~A " x))
- s)
- ',m)
- nil))
- method-names))
- il:title il:_ "Which method?"))))))
- ;;; Converting generic defining macros into DEFDEFINER macros
- (defmacro make-defdefiner (definer-name definer-type type-description &body
- definer-options)
- "Make the DEFINER-NAME use DEFDEFINER, defining items of type DEFINER-TYPE"
- (let ((old-definer-macro-name (intern (string-append definer-name
- " old definition")
- (symbol-package definer-name)))
- (old-definer-macro-expander (intern (string-append definer-name
- " old expander")
- (symbol-package definer-name))))
- `(progn
- ;; First, move the current defining function off to some safe
- ;; place
- (unmake-defdefiner ',definer-name)
- (cond ((not (fboundp ',definer-name))
- (error "~A has no definition!" ',definer-name))
- ((fboundp ',old-definer-macro-name))
- ((macro-function ',definer-name)
- ; We have to move the macro
- ; expansion function as well,
- ; so it won't get clobbered
- ; when the original macro is
- ; redefined. See AR 7410.
- (let* ((expansion-function (macro-function ',definer-name)))
- (setf (symbol-function ',old-definer-macro-expander)
- (loop (if (symbolp expansion-function)
- (setq expansion-function
- (symbol-function expansion-function))
- (return expansion-function))))
- (setf (macro-function ',old-definer-macro-name)
- ',old-definer-macro-expander)
- (setf (get ',definer-name 'make-defdefiner) expansion-function)))
- (t (error "~A does not name a macro." ',definer-name)))
- ;; Make sure the type is defined
- (xcl:def-define-type ,definer-type ,type-description)
- ;; Now redefine the definer, using DEFEDFINER and the original def'n
- (xcl:defdefiner ,(if definer-options
- (cons definer-name definer-options)
- definer-name)
- ,definer-type (&body b) `(,',old-definer-macro-name ,@,'b)))))
- (defun unmake-defdefiner (definer-name)
- (let ((old-expander (get definer-name 'make-defdefiner)))
- (when old-expander
- (setf (macro-function definer-name old-expander))
- (remprop definer-name 'make-defdefiner))))
- ;;; For tricking ED into being able to use just the generic-function-name
- ;;; instead of the full method name
- (defun source-manager-method-edit-fn (name type source editcoms options)
- "Edit a method of the given name"
- (let ((full-name (if (gf-named name)
- ;If given the name of a
- ; generic-function, try to get
- ; the full method name
- (prompt-for-full-method-name name t)
- ; Otherwise it should name the
- ; method
- name)))
- (when (not (null full-name))
- (il:default.editdef full-name type source editcoms options))
- (or full-name name))) ;Return the name
- (defun source-manager-method-hasdef-fn (name type &optional source)
- "Is there a method defined with the given name?"
- (cond ((not (eq type 'methods)) nil)
- ((or (symbolp name)
- (and (consp name)
- (eq (first name) 'setf)
- (symbolp (second name))
- (null (cddr name))))
- ;; If passed in the name of a generic-function, pretend that
- ;; there is a method by that name if there is a generic function
- ;; by that name, and there is a method whose source we can find.
- (if (and (not (null (gf-named name)))
- (find-if #'(lambda (m)
- (il:hasdef m type source))
- (generic-function-method-names name t)))
- name
- nil))
- ((and (consp name) (>= (length name) 2))
- ;; Standard methods are named (gf-name {qualifiers}* ({specializers}*))
- (when (il:getdef name type source '(il:nocopy il:noerror))
- name))
- (t
- ;; Nothing else can name a method
- nil)))
- ;;; Initialize the PCL env
- (defun initialize-pcl-env nil
- "Initialize the Xerox PCL environment"
- ;; Set up SourceManager DEFDEFINERS for classes and methods.
- ;;
- ;; Make sure to define methods before classes, so that (IL:FILES?) will build
- ;; filecoms that have classes before methods.
- (unless (il:hasdef 'methods 'il:filepkgtype)
- (make-defdefiner defmethod methods "methods"
- (:name (lambda (form)
- (multiple-value-bind (name qualifiers arglist)
- (parse-defmethod (cdr form))
- (make-full-method-name name qualifiers
- (extract-specializer-names
- arglist)))))
- (:undefiner
- (lambda (method-name)
- (multiple-value-bind
- (name qualifiers arg-types)
- (parse-full-method-name method-name)
- (let* ((gf (gf-named name))
- (method (when gf
- (get-method gf qualifiers
- (mapcar #'find-class
- arg-types)))))
- (when method (remove-method gf method))))))))
- ;; Include support for DEFGENERIC, if that is defined
- (unless (or (not (fboundp 'defgeneric))
- (il:hasdef 'generic-functions 'il:filepkgtype))
- (make-defdefiner defgeneric generic-functions "generic-function definitions"))
- ;; DEFCLASS FileManager stuff
- (unless (il:hasdef 'classes 'il:filepkgtype)
- (make-defdefiner defclass classes "class definitions"
- (:undefiner (lambda (name)
- (when (find-class name t)
- (setf (find-class name) nil)))))
- ;; CLASSES "include" TYPES.
- (il:filepkgcom 'classes 'il:contents
- #'(lambda (com name type &optional reason)
- (declare (ignore name reason))
- (if (member type '(il:types classes) :test #'eq)
- (cdr com)
- nil))))
- ;; Set up the hooks so that ED can be handed the name of a generic function,
- ;; and end up editing a method instead
- (il:filepkgtype 'methods 'il:editdef 'source-manager-method-edit-fn
- 'il:hasdef 'source-manager-method-hasdef-fn)
- ;; Set up the inspect macro. The right way to do this is to
- ;; (ENSURE-GENERIC-FUNCTION 'IL:INSPECT...), but for now...
- (push '((il:function pcl-object-p) . \\internal-inspect-object)
- il:inspectmacros)
- ;; Unmark any SourceManager changes caused by this loadup
- (dolist (com (il:filepkgchanges))
- (dolist (name (cdr com))
- (when (and (symbolp name)
- (eq (symbol-package name) (find-package "PCL")))
- (il:unmarkaschanged name (car com))))))
- (eval-when (eval load)
- (initialize-pcl-env))
- ;;; Inspecting PCL objects
- (defun pcl-object-p (x)
- "Is the datum a PCL object?"
- (or (std-instance-p x)
- (fsc-instance-p x)
- #+pcl-user-instances
- (user-instance-p x)))
- (defun \\internal-inspect-object (x type where)
- (inspect-object x type where))
- (defun \\internal-inspect-slot-names (x)
- (inspect-slot-names x))
- (defun \\internal-inspect-slot-value (x slot-name)
- (inspect-slot-value x slot-name))
- (defun \\internal-inspect-setf-slot-value (x slot-name value)
- (inspect-setf-slot-value x slot-name value))
- (defun \\internal-inspect-slot-name-command (slot-name x window)
- (inspect-slot-name-command slot-name x window))
- (defun \\internal-inspect-title (x y)
- (inspect-title x y))
- (defmethod inspect-object (x type where)
- "Open an insect window on the object x"
- (il:inspectw.create x '\\internal-inspect-slot-names
- '\\internal-inspect-slot-value
- '\\internal-inspect-setf-slot-value
- '\\internal-inspect-slot-name-command nil nil
- '\\internal-inspect-title nil where
- #'(lambda (n v) ;Same effect as NIL, but avoids bug in
- (declare (ignore v)) ; INSPECTW.CREATE
- n)))
- (defmethod inspect-slot-names (x)
- "Return a list of names of slots of the object that should be shown in the
- inspector"
- (mapcar #'(lambda (slotd) (slot-value slotd 'name))
- (slots-to-inspect (class-of x) x)))
- (defmethod inspect-slot-value (x slot-name)
- (cond ((not (slot-exists-p x slot-name)) "** no such slot **")
- ((not (slot-boundp x slot-name)) "** slot not bound **")
- (t (slot-value x slot-name))))
- (defmethod inspect-setf-slot-value (x slot-name value)
- "Used by the inspector to set the value fo a slot"
- ;; Make this UNDO-able
- (il:undosave `(inspect-setf-slot-value ,x ,slot-name
- ,(slot-value x slot-name)))
- ;; Then change the value
- (setf (slot-value x slot-name) value))
- (defmethod inspect-slot-name-command (slot-name x window)
- "Allows the user to select a menu item to change a slot value in an inspect
- window"
- ;; This code is a very slightly hacked version of the system function
- ;; DEFAULT.INSPECTW.PROPCOMMANDFN. We have to do this because the
- ;; standard version makes some nasty assumptions about
- ;; structure-objects that are not true for PCL objects.
- (declare (special il:|SetPropertyMenu|))
- (case (il:menu (cond ((typep il:|SetPropertyMenu| 'il:menu)
- il:|SetPropertyMenu|)
- (t (il:setq il:|SetPropertyMenu|
- (il:|create| il:menu il:items il:_
- '((set 'set
- "Allows a new value to be entered"
- )))))))
- (set
- ;; The user want to set the value
- (il:ersetq (prog ((il:oldvalueitem (il:itemofpropertyvalue slot-name
- window))
- il:newvalue il:pwindow)
- (il:ttydisplaystream (il:setq il:pwindow
- (il:getpromptwindow window 3)))
- (il:clearbuf t t)
- (il:resetlst
- (il:resetsave (il:\\itemw.flipitem il:oldvalueitem window)
- (list 'il:\\itemw.flipitem
- il:oldvalueitem window))
- (il:resetsave (il:tty.process (il:this.process)))
- (il:resetsave (il:printlevel 4 3))
- (il:|printout| t "Enter the new "
- slot-name " for " x t
- "The expression read will be EVALuated."
- t "> ")
- (il:setq il:newvalue (il:lispx (il:lispxread t t)
- '>))
- ; clear tty buffer because it
- ; sometimes has stuff left.
- (il:clearbuf t t))
- (il:closew il:pwindow)
- (return (il:inspectw.replace window slot-name il:newvalue)))))))
- (defmethod inspect-title (x window)
- "Return the title to use in an inspect window viewing x"
- (format nil "Inspecting a ~A" (class-name (class-of x))))
- (defmethod inspect-title ((x standard-class) window)
- (format nil "Inspecting the class ~A" (class-name x)))
- ;;; Debugger support for PCL
- (il:filesload pcl-env-internal)
- ;; Non-PCL specific changes to the debugger
- ;; Redefining the standard INTERESTING-FRAME-P function. Now functions can be
- ;; declared uninteresting to BT by giving them an XCL::UNINTERESTINGP
- ;; property.
- (dolist (fn '(si::*unwind-protect* il:*env*
- evalhook xcl::nohook xcl::undohook
- xcl::execa0001 xcl::execa0001a0002
- xcl::|interpret-UNDOABLY|
- cl::|interpret-IF| cl::|interpret-FLET|
- cl::|interpret-LET| cl::|interpret-LETA0001|
- cl::|interpret-BLOCK| cl::|interpret-BLOCKA0001|
- il:do-event il:eval-input
- apply t))
- (setf (get fn 'xcl::uninterestingp) t))
- (defun xcl::interesting-frame-p (xcl::pos &optional xcl::interpflg)
- "Return TRUE iff the frame should be visible for a short backtrace."
- (declare (special il:openfns))
- (let ((xcl::name (if (il:stackp xcl::pos) (il:stkname xcl::pos) xcl::pos)))
- (typecase xcl::name
- (symbol (case xcl::name
- (il:*env*
- ;; *ENV* is used by ENVEVAL etc.
- nil)
- (il:errorset
- (or (<= (il:stknargs xcl::pos) 1)
- (not (eq (il:stkarg 2 xcl::pos nil)
- 'il:internal))))
- (il:eval
- (or (<= (il:stknargs xcl::pos) 1)
- (not (eq (il:stkarg 2 xcl::pos nil)
- 'xcl::internal))))
- (il:apply
- (or (<= (il:stknargs xcl::pos) 2)
- (not (il:stkarg 3 xcl::pos nil))))
- (otherwise
- (cond ((get xcl::name 'xcl::uninterestingp)
- ;; Explicitly declared uninteresting.
- nil)
- ((eq (il:chcon1 xcl::name) (char-code #\\))
- ;; Implicitly declared uninteresting by starting the
- ;; name with a "\".
- nil)
- ((or (member xcl::name il:openfns :test #'eq)
- (eq xcl::name 'funcall))
- ;;The function won't be seen when compiled, so only show
- ;;it if INTERPFLG it true
- xcl::interpflg)
- (t
- ;; Interesting by default.
- t)))))
- (cons (case (car xcl::name)
- (:broken t)
- (otherwise nil)))
- (otherwise nil))))
- (setq il:*short-backtrace-filter* 'xcl::interesting-frame-p)
- (eval-when (eval compile)
- (il:record il:bkmenuitem (il:label (il:bkmenuinfo il:frame-name))))
- ;; Change the frame inspector to open up lexical environments
- ;; Since the DEFSTRUCT is going to build the accessors in the package that is
- ;; current at read-time, and we want the accessors to reside in the IL
- ;; package, we have got to make sure that the defstruct happens when the
- ;; package is IL.
- (in-package "IL")
- (cl:defstruct (frame-prop-name (:type cl:list))
- (label-fn 'nill)
- (value-fn
- (function
- (lambda (prop-name framespec)
- (frame-prop-name-data prop-name))))
- (setf-fn 'nill)
- (inspect-fn
- (function
- (lambda (value prop-name framespec window)
- (default.inspectw.valuecommandfn value prop-name (car framespec) window))))
- (data nil))
- (cl:in-package "PCL")
- (defun il:debugger-stack-frame-prop-names (il:framespec)
- ;; Frame prop-names are structures of the form
- (let ((il:pos (car il:framespec))
- (il:backtrace-item (cadr il:framespec)))
- (il:if (eq 'eval (il:stkname il:pos))
- il:then
- (let ((il:expression (il:stkarg 1 il:pos))
- (il:environment (il:stkarg 2 il:pos)))
- `(,(il:make-frame-prop-name :inspect-fn
- (il:function
- (il:lambda (il:value il:prop-name il:framespec il:window)
- (il:inspect/as/function il:value (car il:framespec) il:window)))
- :data il:expression)
- ,(il:make-frame-prop-name :data "ENVIRONMENT")
- ,@(il:for il:aspect il:in
- `((,(and il:environment (il:environment-vars il:environment))
- "vars")
- (,(and il:environment (il:environment-functions il:environment))
- "functions")
- (,(and il:environment (il:environment-blocks il:environment))
- "blocks")
- (,(and il:environment (il:environment-tagbodies il:environment))
- "tag bodies"))
- il:bind il:group-name il:p-list
- il:eachtime (il:setq il:group-name (cadr il:aspect))
- (il:setq il:p-list (car il:aspect))
- il:when (not (null il:p-list))
- il:join
- `(,(il:make-frame-prop-name :data il:group-name)
- ,@(il:for il:p il:on il:p-list il:by cddr il:collect
- (il:make-frame-prop-name :label-fn
- (il:function (il:lambda (il:prop-name il:framespec)
- (car (il:frame-prop-name-data il:prop-name))))
- :value-fn
- (il:function (il:lambda (il:prop-name il:framespec)
- (cadr (il:frame-prop-name-data il:prop-name))))
- :setf-fn
- (il:function (il:lambda (il:prop-name il:framespec il:new-value)
- (il:change (cadr (il:frame-prop-name-data
- il:prop-name))
- il:new-value)))
- :data il:p))))))
- il:else
- (flet ((il:build-name (&key il:arg-name il:arg-number)
- (il:make-frame-prop-name :label-fn
- (il:function (il:lambda (il:prop-name il:framespec)
- (car (il:frame-prop-name-data il:prop-name))))
- :value-fn
- (il:function (il:lambda (il:prop-name il:framespec)
- (il:stkarg (cadr (il:frame-prop-name-data
- il:prop-name))
- (car il:framespec))))
- :setf-fn
- (il:function (il:lambda (il:prop-name il:framespec il:new-value)
- (il:setstkarg (cadr (il:frame-prop-name-data
- il:prop-name))
- (car il:framespec)
- il:new-value)))
- :data
- (list il:arg-name il:arg-number))))
- (let ((il:nargs (il:stknargs il:pos t))
- (il:nargs1 (il:stknargs il:pos))
- (il:fnname (il:stkname il:pos))
- il:argname
- (il:arglist))
- (and (il:litatom il:fnname)
- (il:ccodep il:fnname)
- (il:setq il:arglist (il:listp (il:smartarglist il:fnname))))
- `(,(il:make-frame-prop-name :inspect-fn
- (il:function (il:lambda (il:value il:prop-name il:framespec
- il:window)
- (il:inspect/as/function il:value
- (car il:framespec)
- il:window)))
- :data
- (il:fetch (il:bkmenuitem il:frame-name) il:of il:backtrace-item))
- ,@(il:bind il:mode il:for il:i il:from 1 il:to il:nargs1 il:collect
- (progn (il:while (il:fmemb (il:setq il:argname (il:pop il:arglist))
- lambda-list-keywords)
- il:do
- (il:setq il:mode il:argname))
- (il:build-name :arg-name
- (or (il:stkargname il:i il:pos)
- ; special
- (if (case il:mode
- ((nil &optional) il:argname)
- (t nil))
- (string il:argname)
- (il:concat "arg " (- il:i 1))))
- :arg-number il:i)))
- ,@(let* ((il:novalue "No value")
- (il:slots (il:for il:pvar il:from 0 il:as il:i il:from
- (il:add1 il:nargs1)
- il:to il:nargs il:by 1 il:when
- (and (il:neq il:novalue (il:stkarg il:i il:pos
- il:novalue))
- (or (il:setq il:argname (il:stkargname
- il:i il:pos))
- (il:setq il:argname (il:concat
- "local "
- il:pvar)))
- )
- il:collect
- (il:build-name :arg-name il:argname
- :arg-number il:i))))
- (and il:slots (cons (il:make-frame-prop-name :data "locals")
- il:slots)))))))))
- (defun il:debugger-stack-frame-fetchfn (il:framespec il:prop-name)
- (il:apply* (il:frame-prop-name-value-fn il:prop-name)
- il:prop-name il:framespec))
- (defun il:debugger-stack-frame-storefn (il:framespec il:prop-name il:newvalue)
- (il:apply* (il:frame-prop-name-setf-fn il:prop-name)
- il:prop-name il:framespec il:newvalue))
- (defun il:debugger-stack-frame-value-command (il:datum il:prop-name
- il:framespec il:window)
- (il:apply* (il:frame-prop-name-inspect-fn il:prop-name)
- il:datum il:prop-name il:framespec il:window))
- (defun il:debugger-stack-frame-title (il:framespec &optional il:window)
- (declare (ignore il:window))
- (il:concat (il:stkname (car il:framespec)) " Frame"))
- (defun il:debugger-stack-frame-property (il:prop-name il:framespec)
- (il:apply* (il:frame-prop-name-label-fn il:prop-name)
- il:prop-name il:framespec))
- ;; Teaching the debugger that there are other file-manager types that can
- ;; appear on the stack
- (defvar xcl::*function-types* '(il:fns il:functions)
- "Manager types that can appear on the stack")
- ;; Redefine a couple of system functions to use the above stuff
- #+Xerox-Lyric
- (progn
- (defun il:attach-backtrace-menu (&optional (il:ttywindow
- (il:wfromds (il:ttydisplaystream)))
- il:skip)
- (let ((il:bkmenu (il:|create| il:menu
- il:items il:_
- (il:collect-backtrace-items il:ttywindow il:skip)
- il:whenselectedfn il:_
- (il:function il:backtrace-item-selected)
- il:whenheldfn il:_
- #'(il:lambda (il:item il:menu il:button)
- (declare (ignore il:item il:menu))
- (case il:button
- (il:left (il:promptprint
- "Open a frame inspector on this stack frame"
- ))
- (il:middle (il:promptprint
- "Inspect/Edit this function"))
- ))
- il:menuoutlinesize il:_ 0
- il:menufont il:_ il:backtracefont
- il:menucolumns il:_ 1))
- (il:ttyregion (il:windowprop il:ttywindow 'il:region))
- il:btw)
- (cond
- ((il:setq il:btw (il:|for| il:atw il:|in| (il:attachedwindows il:ttywindow)
- il:|when| (and (il:setq il:btw (il:windowprop il:atw 'il:menu))
- (eql (il:|fetch| (il:menu il:whenselectedfn)
- il:|of| (car il:btw))
- (il:function il:backtrace-item-selected)))
- il:|do|
- (return il:atw)))
- (il:deletemenu (car (il:windowprop il:btw 'il:menu))
- nil il:btw)
- (il:windowprop il:btw 'il:extent nil)
- (il:clearw il:btw))
- ((il:setq il:btw (il:createw (il:region-next-to (il:windowprop il:ttywindow 'il:region)
- (il:widthifwindow (il:imin (il:|fetch| (il:menu
- il:imagewidth
- )
- il:|of| il:bkmenu)
- il:|MaxBkMenuWidth|))
- (il:|fetch| (il:region il:height) il:|of| il:ttyregion
- )
- 'il:left)))
- (il:attachwindow il:btw il:ttywindow (cond
- ((il:igreaterp (il:|fetch| (il:region il:left)
- il:|of| (il:windowprop
- il:btw
- 'il:region))
- (il:|fetch| (il:region il:left)
- il:|of| il:ttyregion))
- 'il:right)
- (t 'il:left))
- nil
- 'il:localclose)
- (il:windowprop il:btw 'il:process (il:windowprop il:ttywindow 'il:process))
- ))
- (il:addmenu il:bkmenu il:btw (il:|create| il:_ il:position
- il:xcoord il:_ 0
- il:ycoord il:_ (il:idifference (il:windowprop
- il:btw
- 'il:height)
- (il:|fetch| (il:menu il:imageheight
- ) il:|of|
- il:bkmenu
- ))))))
- (defun il:backtrace-item-selected (il:item il:menu il:button)
- (il:resetlst
- (prog (il:olditem il:ttywindow il:bkpos il:pos il:positions il:framewindow
- (il:framespecn (il:|fetch| (il:bkmenuitem il:bkmenuinfo) il:|of| il:item)
- ))
- (cond
- ((il:setq il:olditem (il:|fetch| (il:menu il:menuuserdata) il:|of| il:menu))
- (il:menudeselect il:olditem il:menu)
- ))
- (il:setq il:ttywindow (il:windowprop (il:wfrommenu il:menu)
- 'il:mainwindow))
- (il:setq il:bkpos (il:windowprop il:ttywindow 'il:stack-position))
- (il:setq il:pos (il:stknth (- il:framespecn)
- il:bkpos))
- (let ((il:lp (il:windowprop il:ttywindow 'il:lastpos)))
- (and il:lp (il:stknth 0 il:pos il:lp)))
- (il:menuselect il:item il:menu)
- (if (eq il:button 'il:middle)
- (progn
- (il:resetsave nil (list 'il:relstk il:pos))
- (il:inspect/as/function (il:|fetch| (il:bkmenuitem il:frame-name)
- il:|of| il:item)
- il:pos il:ttywindow))
- (progn
- (il:setq il:framewindow
- (xcl:with-profile (il:process.eval
- (il:windowprop il:ttywindow 'il:process)
- '(let ((il:profile (xcl:copy-profile (xcl:find-profile
- "READ-PRINT"))))
- (setf (xcl::profile-entry-value '
- xcl:*eval-function* il:profile)
- xcl:*eval-function*)
- (xcl:save-profile il:profile))
- t)
- (il:inspectw.create (list il:pos il:item)
- 'il:debugger-stack-frame-prop-names
- 'il:debugger-stack-frame-fetchfn
- 'il:debugger-stack-frame-storefn nil '
- il:debugger-stack-frame-value-command nil '
- il:debugger-stack-frame-title nil (
- il:make-frame-inspect-window
- il:ttywindow)
- 'il:debugger-stack-frame-property)))
- (cond
- ((not (il:windowprop il:framewindow 'il:mainwindow))
- (il:attachwindow il:framewindow il:ttywindow
- (cond
- ((il:igreaterp (il:|fetch| (il:region il:bottom)
- il:|of| (il:windowprop il:framewindow
- 'il:region))
- (il:|fetch| (il:region il:bottom)
- il:|of| (il:windowprop il:ttywindow 'il:region)))
- 'il:top)
- (t 'il:bottom))
- nil
- 'il:localclose)
- (il:windowaddprop il:framewindow 'il:closefn (il:function il:detachwindow
- ))))))
- (return))))
- (defun il:collect-backtrace-items (xcl::tty-window xcl::skip)
- (let* ((xcl::items (cons nil nil))
- (xcl::items-tail xcl::items))
- (macrolet ((xcl::collect-item (xcl::new-item)
- `(progn (setf (rest xcl::items-tail)
- (cons ,xcl::new-item nil))
- (pop xcl::items-tail))))
- (let* ((xcl::filter-fn (cond
- ((null xcl::skip)
- #'xcl:true)
- ((eq xcl::skip t)
- il:*short-backtrace-filter*)
- (t xcl::skip)))
- (xcl::top-frame (il:stknth 0 (il:getwindowprop xcl::tty-window '
- il:stack-position)))
- (xcl::next-frame xcl::top-frame)
- (xcl::frame-number 0)
- xcl::interesting-p xcl::last-frame-consumed xcl::use-frame xcl::label)
- (loop (when (null xcl::next-frame)
- (return))
- (multiple-value-setq (xcl::interesting-p xcl::last-frame-consumed
- xcl::use-frame xcl::label)
- (funcall xcl::filter-fn xcl::next-frame))
- (when (null xcl::last-frame-consumed)
- (setf xcl::last-frame-consumed xcl::next-frame))
- (when xcl::interesting-p
- (when (null xcl::use-frame)
- (setf xcl::use-frame xcl::last-frame-consumed))
- (when (null xcl::label)
- (setf xcl::label (il:stkname xcl::use-frame))
- (if (member xcl::label '(eval il:eval il:apply apply)
- :test
- 'eq)
- (setf xcl::label (il:stkarg 1 xcl::use-frame))))
- (loop (cond
- ((not (typep xcl::next-frame 'il:stackp))
- (error "~%Use-frame ~S not found" xcl::use-frame))
- ((xcl::stack-eql xcl::next-frame xcl::use-frame)
- (return))
- (t (incf xcl::frame-number)
- (setf xcl::next-frame (il:stknth -1 xcl::next-frame
- xcl::next-frame)))))
- (xcl::collect-item (il:|create| il:bkmenuitem
- il:label il:_ (let ((*print-level* 2)
- (*print-length* 3)
- (*print-escape* t)
- (*print-gensym* t)
- (*print-pretty* nil)
- (*print-circle* nil)
- (*print-radix* 10)
- (*print-array* nil)
- (il:*print-structure*
- nil))
- (prin1-to-string
- xcl::label))
- il:bkmenuinfo il:_ xcl::frame-number
- il:frame-name il:_ xcl::label)))
- (loop (cond
- ((not (typep xcl::next-frame 'il:stackp))
- (error "~%Last-frame-consumed ~S not found"
- xcl::last-frame-consumed))
- ((prog1 (xcl::stack-eql xcl::next-frame xcl::last-frame-consumed
- )
- (incf xcl::frame-number)
- (setf xcl::next-frame (il:stknth -1 xcl::next-frame
- xcl::next-frame)))
- (return)))))))
- (rest xcl::items)))
- )
- #+Xerox-Medley
- (progn
- (defun dbg::attach-backtrace-menu (&optional tty-window skip)
- (declare (special il:\\term.ofd il:backtracefont))
- (or tty-window (il:setq tty-window (il:wfromds (il:ttydisplaystream))))
- (prog (btw bkmenu
- (tty-region (il:windowprop tty-window 'il:region))
- ;; And, for the FORMAT below...
- (*print-level* 2)
- (*print-length* 3)
- (*print-escape* t)
- (*print-gensym* t)
- (*print-pretty* nil)
- (*print-circle* nil)
- (*print-radix* 10)
- (*print-array* nil)
- (il:*print-structure* nil))
- (setq bkmenu
- (il:|create| il:menu
- il:items il:_ (dbg::collect-backtrace-items tty-window skip)
- il:whenselectedfn il:_ 'dbg::backtrace-item-selected
- il:menuoutlinesize il:_ 0
- il:menufont il:_ il:backtracefont
- il:menucolumns il:_ 1
- il:whenheldfn il:_
- #'(il:lambda (item menu button)
- (declare (ignore item menu))
- (case button
- (il:left
- (il:promptprint
- "Open a frame inspector on this stack frame"))
- (il:middle
- (il:promptprint "Inspect/Edit this function"))))))
- (cond ((setq btw
- (dolist (atw (il:attachedwindows tty-window))
- ;; Test for an attached window that has a backtrace menu in
- ;; it.
- (when (and (setq btw (il:windowprop atw 'il:menu))
- (eq (il:|fetch| (il:menu il:whenselectedfn)
- il:|of| (car btw))
- 'dbg::backtrace-item-selected))
- (return atw))))
- ;; If there is alread a backtrace window, delete the old menu from
- ;; it.
- (il:deletemenu (car (il:windowprop btw 'il:menu)) nil btw)
- (il:windowprop btw 'il:extent nil)
- (il:clearw btw))
- ((setq btw
- (il:createw (dbg::region-next-to
- (il:windowprop tty-window 'il:region)
- (il:widthifwindow
- (il:imin (il:|fetch| (il:menu il:imagewidth)
- il:|of| bkmenu)
- il:|MaxBkMenuWidth|))
- (il:|fetch| (il:region il:height)
- il:|of| tty-region)
- :left)))
- ; put bt window at left of TTY
- ; window unless ttywindow is
- ; near left edge.
- (il:attachwindow btw tty-window
- (if (il:igreaterp (il:|fetch| (il:region il:left)
- il:|of|
- (il:windowprop btw
- 'il:region))
- (il:|fetch| (il:region il:left)
- il:|of| tty-region))
- 'il:right
- 'il:left)
- nil
- 'il:localclose)
- ;; So that button clicks will switch the TTY
- (il:windowprop btw 'il:process
- (il:windowprop tty-window 'il:process))))
- (il:addmenu bkmenu btw (il:|create| il:position
- il:xcoord il:_ 0
- il:ycoord il:_ (- (il:windowprop btw 'il:height)
- (il:|fetch| (il:menu
- il:imageheight)
- il:|of| bkmenu))))
- ;; IL:ADDMENU sets up buttoneventfn for window that we don't
- ;; want. We want to catch middle button events before the menu
- ;; handler, so that we can pop up edit/inspect menu for the frame
- ;; currently selected. So replace the buttoneventfn, and can
- ;; nuke the cursorin and cursormoved guys, cause don't need them.
- (il:windowprop btw 'il:buttoneventfn 'dbg::backtrace-menu-buttoneventfn)
- (il:windowprop btw 'il:cursorinfn nil)
- (il:windowprop btw 'il:cursormovedfn nil)))
- (defun dbg::collect-backtrace-items (tty-window skip)
- (xcl:with-collection
- ;;
- ;; There are a number of possibilities for the values returned by the
- ;; filter-fn.
- ;;
- ;; (1) INTERESTING-P is false, and the other values are all NIL. This
- ;; is the simple case where the stack frame NEXT-POS should be ignored
- ;; completly, and processing should continue with the next frame.
- ;;
- ;; (2) INTERESTING-P is true, and the other values are all NIL. This
- ;; is the simple case where the stack frame NEXT-POS should appear in
- ;; the backtrace as is, and processing should continue with the next
- ;; frame.
- ;;
- ;; [Note that these two cases take care of old values of the
- ;; filter-fn.]
- ;;
- ;; (3) INTERESTING-P is false, and LAST-FRAME-CONSUMED is a stack
- ;; frame. In that case, ignore all stack frames from NEXT-POS to
- ;; LAST-FRAME-CONSUMED, inclusive.
- ;;
- ;; (4) INTERESTING-P is true, and LAST-FRAME-CONSUMED is a stack
- ;; frame. In this case, the backtrace should include a single entry
- ;; coresponding to the frame USE-FRAME (which defaults to
- ;; LAST-FRAME-CONSUMED), and processing should continue with the next
- ;; frame after LAST-FRAME-CONSUMED. If LABEL is non-NIL, it will be
- ;; the label that appears in the backtrace menu; otherwise the name of
- ;; USE-FRAME will be used (or the form being EVALed if the frame is an
- ;; EVAL frame).
- ;;
- (let* ((filter (cond ((null skip) #'xcl:true)
- ((eq skip t) il:*short-backtrace-filter*)
- (t skip)))
- (top-frame (il:stknth 0 (il:getwindowprop tty-window
- 'dbg::stack-position)))
- (next-frame top-frame)
- (frame-number 0)
- interestingp last-frame-consumed frame-to-use label-to-use)
- (loop (when (null next-frame) (return))
- (multiple-value-setq (interestingp last-frame-consumed
- frame-to-use label-to-use)
- (funcall filter next-frame))
- (when (null last-frame-consumed)
- (setf last-frame-consumed next-frame))
- (when interestingp
- (when (null frame-to-use)
- (setf frame-to-use last-frame-consumed))
- (when (null label-to-use)
- (setf label-to-use (il:stkname frame-to-use))
- (if (member label-to-use '(eval il:eval il:apply apply)
- :test 'eq)
- (setf label-to-use (il:stkarg 1 frame-to-use))))
- ;; Walk the stack until we find the frame to use
- (loop (cond ((not (typep next-frame 'il:stackp))
- (error "~%Use-frame ~S not found" frame-to-use))
- ((xcl::stack-eql next-frame frame-to-use)
- (return))
- (t (incf frame-number)
- (setf next-frame
- (il:stknth -1 next-frame next-frame)))))
- ;; Add the menu item to the list under construction
- (xcl:collect (il:|create| il:bkmenuitem
- il:label il:_ (let ((*print-level* 2)
- (*print-length* 3)
- (*print-escape* t)
- (*print-gensym* t)
- (*print-pretty* nil)
- (*print-circle* nil)
- (*print-radix* 10)
- (*print-array* nil)
- (il:*print-structure* nil))
- (prin1-to-string label-to-use))
- il:bkmenuinfo il:_ frame-number
- il:frame-name il:_ label-to-use)))
- ;; Update NEXT-POS
- (loop (cond ((not (typep next-frame 'il:stackp))
- (error "~%Last-frame-consumed ~S not found"
- last-frame-consumed))
- ((prog1
- (xcl::stack-eql next-frame last-frame-consumed)
- (incf frame-number)
- (setf next-frame (il:stknth -1 next-frame
- next-frame)))
- (return))))))))
- (defun dbg::backtrace-menu-buttoneventfn (window &aux menu)
- (setq menu (car (il:listp (il:windowprop window 'il:menu))))
- (unless (or (il:lastmousestate il:up) (null menu))
- (il:totopw window)
- (cond ((il:lastmousestate il:middle)
- ;; look for a selected frame in this menu, and then pop up
- ;; the editor invoke menu for that frame. don't change the
- ;; selection, just present the edit menu.
- (let* ((selection (il:menu.handler menu
- (il:windowprop window 'il:dsp)))
- (tty-window (il:windowprop window 'il:mainwindow))
- (last-pos (il:windowprop tty-window 'dbg::lastpos)))
- ;; don't have to worry about releasing POS because we
- ;; only look at it here (nobody here hangs on to it)
- ;; and we will be around for less time than LASTPOS.
- ;; The debugger is responsible for releasing LASTPOS.
- (il:inspect/as/function (cond
- ((and selection
- (il:|fetch| (il:bkmenuitem il:frame-name)
- il:|of| (car selection))))
- ((and (symbolp (il:stkname last-pos))
- (il:getd (il:stkname last-pos)))
- (il:stkname last-pos))
- (t 'il:nill))
- last-pos tty-window)))
- (t (let ((selection (il:menu.handler menu
- (il:windowprop window 'il:dsp))))
- (when selection
- (il:doselecteditem menu (car selection) (cdr selection))))))))
- ;; This function isn't really redefined, but it needs to be recomiled since we
- ;; changed the def'n of the BKMENUITEM record.
- (defun dbg::backtrace-item-selected (item menu button)
- ;;When a frame name is selected in the backtrace menu, this is the function
- ;;that gets called.
- (declare (special il:brkenv) (ignore button))
- (let* ((frame-spec (il:|fetch| (il:bkmenuitem il:bkmenuinfo) il:|of| item))
- (tty-window (il:windowprop (il:wfrommenu menu) 'il:mainwindow))
- (bkpos (il:windowprop tty-window 'dbg::stack-position))
- (pos (il:stknth (- frame-spec) bkpos)))
- (let ((lp (il:windowprop tty-window 'dbg::lastpos)))
- (and lp (il:stknth 0 pos lp)))
- ;; change the item selected from OLDITEM to ITEM. Only do this on left
- ;; buttons now. Middle just pops up the edit menu, doesn't select. -woz
- (let ((old-item (il:|fetch| (il:menu il:menuuserdata) il:|of| menu)))
- (when old-item (il:menudeselect old-item menu))
- (il:menuselect item menu))
- ;; Change the lexical environment so it is the one in effect as of this
- ;; frame.
- (il:process.eval (il:windowprop tty-window (quote dbg::process))
- `(setq il:brkenv ',(il:find-lexical-environment pos))
- t)
- (let ((frame-window (xcl:with-profile
- (il:process.eval (il:windowprop tty-window
- 'il:process)
- `(let ((profile (xcl:copy-profile
- (xcl:find-profile
- "READ-PRINT"))))
- (setf
- (xcl::profile-entry-value
- 'xcl:*eval-function* profile)
- xcl:*eval-function*)
- (xcl:save-profile profile))
- t)
- (il:inspectw.create pos
- #'(lambda (pos)
- (dbg::stack-frame-properties pos t))
- 'dbg::stack-frame-fetchfn
- 'dbg::stack-frame-storefn
- nil
- 'dbg::stack-frame-value-command
- nil
- (format nil "~S Frame" (il:stkname pos))
- nil (dbg::make-frame-inspect-window
- tty-window)
- 'dbg::stack-frame-property))))
- (when (not (il:windowprop frame-window 'il:mainwindow))
- (il:attachwindow frame-window tty-window
- (if (> (il:|fetch| (il:region il:bottom) il:|of|
- (il:windowprop frame-window 'il:region))
- (il:|fetch| (il:region il:bottom) il:|of|
- (il:windowprop tty-window 'il:region)))
- 'il:top 'il:bottom)
- nil 'il:localclose)
- (il:windowaddprop frame-window 'il:closefn 'il:detachwindow)))))
- ) ;end of Xerox-Medley
- (defun il:select.fns.editor (&optional function)
- ;; gives the user a menu choice of editors.
- (il:menu (il:|create| il:menu
- il:items il:_ (cond ((il:ccodep function)
- '((il:|InspectCode| 'il:inspectcode
- "Shows the compiled code.")
- (il:|DisplayEdit| 'ed
- "Edit it with the display editor")
- (il:|TtyEdit| 'il:ef
- "Edit it with the standard editor")))
- ((il:closure-p function)
- '((il:|Inspect| 'inspect
- "Inspect this object")))
- (t '((il:|DisplayEdit| 'ed
- "Edit it with the display editor")
- (il:|TtyEdit| 'il:ef
- "Edit it with the standard editor"))))
- il:centerflg il:_ t)))
- ;;
- ;; PCL specific extensions to the debugger
- ;; There are some new things that act as functions, and that we want to be
- ;; able to edit from a backtrace window
- (pushnew 'methods xcl::*function-types*)
- (eval-when (eval compile load)
- (unless (generic-function-p (symbol-function 'il:inspect/as/function))
- (make-specializable 'il:inspect/as/function)))
- (defmethod il:inspect/as/function (name stack-pointer debugger-window)
- ;; Calls an editor on function NAME. STKP and WINDOW are the stack pointer
- ;; and window of the break in which this inspect command was called.
- (declare (ignore debugger-window))
- (let ((editor (il:select.fns.editor name)))
- (case editor
- ((nil)
- ;; No editor chosen, so don't do anything
- nil)
- (il:inspectcode
- ;; Inspect the compiled code
- (let ((frame (xcl::stack-pointer-frame stack-pointer)))
- (if (and (il:stackp stack-pointer)
- (xcl::stack-frame-valid-p frame))
- (il:inspectcode (let ((code-base (xcl::stack-frame-fn-header frame)))
- (cond ((eq (il:\\get-compiled-code-base name)
- code-base)
- name)
- (t
- ;; Function executing in this frame is not
- ;; the one in the definition cell of its
- ;; name, so fetch the real code. Have to
- ;; pass a CCODEP
- (il:make-compiled-closure code-base))))
- nil nil nil (xcl::stack-frame-pc frame))
- (il:inspectcode name))))
- (ed
- ;; Use the standard editor.
- ;; This used to take care to apply the editor in the debugger
- ;; process, so forms evaluated in the editor happen in the
- ;; context of the break. But that doesn't count for much any
- ;; more, now that lexical variables are the way to go. Better to
- ;; use the LEX debugger command (thank you, Herbie) and
- ;; shift-select pieces of code from the editor into the debugger
- ;; window.
- (ed name `(,@xcl::*function-types* :display)))
- (otherwise (funcall editor name)))))
- (defmethod il:inspect/as/function ((name standard-object) stkp window)
- (when (il:menu (il:|create| il:menu
- il:items il:_ '(("Inspect" t "Inspect this object"))))
- (inspect name)))
- (defmethod il:inspect/as/function ((x standard-method) stkp window)
- (let* ((generic-function-name (slot-value (slot-value x 'generic-function)
- 'name))
- (method-name (full-method-name x))
- (editor (il:select.fns.editor method-name)))
- (il:allow.button.events)
- (case editor
- (ed (ed method-name '(:display methods)))
- (il:inspectcode (il:inspectcode (slot-value x 'function)))
- ((nil) nil)
- (otherwise (funcall editor method-name)))))
- ;; A replacement for the vanilla IL:INTERESTING-FRAME-P so we can see methods
- ;; and generic-functions on the stack.
- (defun interesting-frame-p (stack-pos &optional interp-flag)
- ;; Return up to four values: INTERESTING-P LAST-FRAME-CONSUMED USE-FRAME and
- ;; LABEL. See the function IL:COLLECT-BACKTRACE-ITEMS for a full description
- ;; of how these values are used.
- (labels
- ((function-matches-frame-p (function frame)
- "Is the function being called in this frame?"
- (let* ((frame-name (il:stkname frame))
- (code-being-run (cond
- ((typep frame-name 'il:closure)
- frame-name)
- ((and (consp frame-name)
- (eq 'il:\\interpreter
- (xcl::stack-frame-name
- (il:\\stackargptr frame))))
- frame-name)
- (t (xcl::stack-frame-fn-header
- (il:\\stackargptr frame))))))
- (or (eq function code-being-run)
- (and (typep function 'il:compiled-closure)
- (eq (xcl::compiled-closure-fnheader function)
- code-being-run)))))
- (generic-function-from-frame (frame)
- "If this the frame of a generic function return the gf, otherwise
- return NIL."
- ;; Generic functions are implemented as compiled closures. On the
- ;; stack, we only see the fnheader for the the closure. This could
- ;; be a discriminator code, or in the default method only case it
- ;; will be the actual method function. To tell if this is a generic
- ;; function frame, we have to check very carefully to see if the
- ;; right stuff is on the stack. Specifically, the closure's ccode,
- ;; and the first local variable has to be a ptrhunk big enough to be
- ;; a FIN environment, and fin-env-fin of that ptrhunk has to point
- ;; to a generic function whose ccode and environment match.
- (let ((n-args (il:stknargs frame))
- (env nil)
- (gf nil))
- (if (and ;; is there at least one local?
- (> (il:stknargs frame t) n-args)
- ;; and does the local contain something that might be
- ;; the closure environment of a funcallable instance?
- (setf env (il:stkarg (1+ n-args) frame))
- ;; and does the local contain something that might be
- ;; the closure environment of a funcallable instance?
- (typep env *fin-env-type*)
- (setf gf (fin-env-fin env))
- ;; whose fin-env-fin points to a generic function?
- (generic-function-p gf)
- ;; whose environment is the same as env?
- (eq (xcl::compiled-closure-env gf) env)
- ;; and whose code is the same as the code for this
- ;; frame?
- (function-matches-frame-p gf frame))
- gf
- nil))))
- (let ((frame-name (il:stkname stack-pos)))
- ;; See if there is a generic-function on the stack at this
- ;; location.
- (let ((gf (generic-function-from-frame stack-pos)))
- (when gf
- (return-from interesting-frame-p (values t stack-pos stack-pos gf))))
- ;; See if this is an interpreted method. The method body is
- ;; wrapped in a (BLOCK <function-name> ...). We look for an
- ;; interpreted call to BLOCK whose block-name is the name of
- ;; generic-function.
- (when (and (eq frame-name 'eval)
- (consp (il:stkarg 1 stack-pos))
- (eq (first (il:stkarg 1 stack-pos)) 'block)
- (symbolp (second (il:stkarg 1 stack-pos)))
- (fboundp (second (il:stkarg 1 stack-pos)))
- (generic-function-p
- (symbol-function (second (il:stkarg 1 stack-pos)))))
- (let* ((form (il:stkarg 1 stack-pos))
- (block-name (second form))
- (generic-function (symbol-function block-name))
- (methods (generic-function-methods (symbol-function block-name))))
- ;; If this is really a method being called from a
- ;; generic-function, the g-f should be no more than a
- ;; few(?) frames up the stack. Check for the method call
- ;; by looking for a call to APPLY, where the function
- ;; being applied is the code in one of the methods.
- (do ((i 100 (1- i))
- (previous-pos stack-pos current-pos)
- (current-pos (il:stknth -1 stack-pos) (il:stknth -1 current-pos))
- (found-method nil)
- (method-pos))
- ((or (null current-pos) (<= i 0)) nil)
- (cond ((equalp generic-function
- (generic-function-from-frame current-pos))
- (if found-method
- (return-from interesting-frame-p
- (values t previous-pos method-pos found-method))
- (return)))
- (found-method nil)
- ((eq (il:stkname current-pos) 'apply)
- (dolist (method methods)
- (when (memq (il:stkarg 1 current-pos)
- (method-cached-functions method))
- (setq method-pos current-pos)
- (setq found-method method)
- (return))))))))
- ;; Try to handle compiled methods
- (when (and (symbolp frame-name)
- (not (fboundp frame-name))
- (eq (il:chcon1 frame-name)
- (il:charcode il:\())
- (or (string-equal "(method " (symbol-name frame-name)
- :start2 0 :end2 13)
- (string-equal "(method " (symbol-name frame-name)
- :start2 0 :end2 12)
- (string-equal "(method " (symbol-name frame-name)
- :start2 0 :end2 8)))
- ;; Looks like a name that PCL consed up. See if there is a
- ;; GF nearby up the stack. If there is, use it to help
- ;; determine which method we have.
- (do ((i 30 (1- i))
- (current-pos (il:stknth -1 stack-pos)
- (il:stknth -1 current-pos))
- (gf))
- ((or (null current-pos)
- (<= i 0))
- nil)
- (setq gf (generic-function-from-frame current-pos))
- (when gf
- (dolist (method (generic-function-methods gf))
- (dolist (function (method-cached-functions method))
- (when (function-matches-frame-p function stack-pos)
- (return-from interesting-frame-p
- (values t stack-pos stack-pos method)))))
- (return))))
- ;; If we haven't already returned, use the default method.
- (xcl::interesting-frame-p stack-pos interp-flag))))
- (setq il:*short-backtrace-filter* 'interesting-frame-p)
- ;;; Support for undo
- (defun undoable-setf-slot-value (object slot-name new-value)
- (if (slot-boundp object slot-name)
- (il:undosave (list 'undoable-setf-slot-value
- object slot-name (slot-value object slot-name)))
- (il:undosave (list 'slot-makunbound object slot-name)))
- (setf (slot-value object slot-name) new-value))
- (setf (get 'slot-value :undoable-setf-inverse) 'undoable-setf-slot-value)
- ;;; Support for ?= and friends
- ;; The arglists for generic-functions are built using gensyms, and don't reflect
- ;; any keywords (they are all included in an &REST arg). Rather then use the
- ;; arglist in the code, we use the one that PCL kindly keeps in the generic-function.
- (xcl:advise-function 'il:smartarglist
- '(if (and il:explainflg
- (symbolp il:fn)
- (fboundp il:fn)
- (generic-function-p (symbol-function il:fn)))
- (generic-function-pretty-arglist (symbol-function il:fn))
- (xcl:inner))
- :when :around :priority :last)
- (setf (get 'defclass 'il:argnames)
- '(nil (class-name (#\{ superclass-name #\} #\*)
- (#\{ slot-specifier #\} #\*)
- #\{ slot-option #\} #\*)))
- (setf (get 'defmethod 'il:argnames)
- '(nil (#\{ name #\| (setf name) #\} #\{ method-qualifier #\} #\*
- specialized-lambda-list #\{ declaration #\| doc-string #\} #\*
- #\{ form #\} #\*)))
- ;;; Prettyprinting support, the result of Harley Davis.
- ;; Support the standard Prettyprinter. This is really minimal right now. If
- ;; anybody wants to fix this, I'd be happy to include their code. In fact,
- ;; there is almost no support for Commonlisp in the standard Prettyprinter, so
- ;; the field is wide open to hackers with time on their hands.
- (setf (get 'defmethod :definition-print-template) ;Not quite right, since it
- '(:name :arglist :body)) ; doesn't handle qualifiers,
- ; but it will have to do.
- (defun defclass-prettyprint (form)
- (let ((left (il:dspxposition))
- (char-width (il:charwidth (il:charcode x) *standard-output*)))
- (xcl:destructuring-bind (defclass name supers slots . options) form
- (princ "(")
- (prin1 defclass)
- (princ " ")
- (prin1 name)
- (princ " ")
- (if (null supers)
- (princ "()") ;Print "()" instead of "nil"
- (il:sequential.prettyprint (list supers) (il:dspxposition)))
- (if (null slots)
- (progn (il:prinendline (+ left (* 4 char-width)) *standard-output*)
- (princ "()"))
- (il:sequential.prettyprint (list slots) (+ left (* 4 char-width))))
- (when options
- (il:sequential.prettyprint options (+ left (* 2 char-width))))
- (princ ")")
- nil)))
- (let ((pprint-macro (assoc 'defclass il:prettyprintmacros)))
- (if (null pprint-macro)
- (push (cons 'defclass 'defclass-prettyprint)
- il:prettyprintmacros)
- (setf (cdr pprint-macro) 'defclass-prettyprint)))
- (defun binder-prettyprint (form)
- ;; Prettyprints expressions like MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND and WITH-SLOTS
- ;; that are of the form (fn (var ...) form &rest body).
- ;; This code is far from correct, but it's better than nothing.
- (if (and (consp form)
- (not (null (cdddr form))))
- ;; I have no idea what I'm doing here. Seems I can copy and edit somebody
- ;; elses code without understanding it.
- (let ((body-indent (+ (il:dspxposition)
- (* 2 (il:charwidth (il:charcode x)
- *standard-output*))))
- (form-indent (+ (il:dspxposition)
- (* 4 (il:charwidth (il:charcode x)
- *standard-output*)))))
- (princ "(")
- (prin1 (first form))
- (princ " ")
- (il:superprint (second form) form nil *standard-output*)
- (il:sequential.prettyprint (list (third form)) form-indent)
- (il:sequential.prettyprint (cdddr form) body-indent)
- (princ ")")
- nil) ;Return NIL to indicate that we did
- ; the printing
- t)) ;Return true to use default printing
- (dolist (fn '(multiple-value-bind with-accessors with-slots))
- (let ((pprint-macro (assoc fn 'il:prettyprintmacros)))
- (if (null pprint-macro)
- (push (cons fn 'binder-prettyprint)
- il:prettyprintmacros)
- (setf (cdr pprint-macro) 'binder-prettyprint))))
- ;; SEdit has its own prettyprinter, so we need to support that too. This is due
- ;; to Harley Davis. Really.
- (push (cons :slot-spec
- '(((sedit::prev-keyword? (sedit::next-inline? 1 break sedit::from-indent . 1)
- break sedit::from-indent . 0)
- (sedit::set-indent . 1)
- (sedit::next-inline? 1 break sedit::from-indent . 1)
- (sedit::prev-keyword? (sedit::next-inline? 1 break sedit::from-indent . 1)
- break sedit::from-indent . 0))
- ((sedit::prev-keyword? (sedit::next-inline? 1 break sedit::from-indent . 1)
- break sedit::from-indent . 0)
- (sedit::set-indent . 1)
- (sedit::next-inline? 1 break sedit::from-indent . 1)
- (sedit::prev-keyword? (sedit::next-inline? 1 break sedit::from-indent . 1)
- break sedit::from-indent . 0))))
- sedit:*indent-alist*)
- (setf (sedit:get-format :slot-spec)
- '(:indent :slot-spec :inline t))
- (setf (sedit:get-format :slot-spec-list)
- '(:indent :binding-list :args (:slot-spec) :inline nil))
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'defclass)
- '(:indent ((2) 1)
- :args (:keyword nil nil :slot-spec-list nil)
- :sublists (4)))
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'defmethod)
- '(:indent ((2))
- :args (:keyword nil :lambda-list nil)
- :sublists (3)))
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'defgeneric) 'defun)
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'generic-flet) 'flet)
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'generic-labels) 'flet)
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'call-next-method)
- '(:indent (1) :args (:keyword nil)))
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'symbol-macrolet) 'let)
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'with-accessors)
- '(:indent ((1) 1)
- :args (:keyword :binding-list nil)
- :sublists (2)
- :miser :never))
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'with-slots) 'with-accessors)
- (setf (sedit:get-format 'make-instance)
- '(:indent ((1))
- :args (:keyword nil :slot-spec-list)))
- (setf (sedit:get-format '*make-instance) 'make-instance)
- ;;; PrettyFileIndex stuff, the product of Harley Davis.
- (defvar *pfi-class-type* '(class defclass pfi-class-namer))
- (defvar *pfi-method-type* '(method defmethod pfi-method-namer)
- "Handles method for prettyfileindex")
- (defvar *pfi-index-accessors* nil
- "t -> each slot accessor gets a listing in the index.")
- (defvar *pfi-method-index* :group
- ":group, :separate, :both, or nil")
- (defun pfi-add-class-type ()
- (pushnew *pfi-class-type* il:*pfi-types*))
- (defun pfi-add-method-type ()
- (pushnew *pfi-method-type* il:*pfi-types*))
- (defun pfi-class-namer (expression entry)
- (let ((class-name (second expression)))
- ;; Following adds all slot readers/writers/accessors as separate entries in
- ;; the index. Probably a mistake.
- (if *pfi-index-accessors*
- (let ((slot-list (fourth expression))
- (accessor-names nil))
- (labels ((add-accessor (method-index name-index)
- (push (case *pfi-method-index*
- (:group method-index)
- (:separate name-index)
- ((t :both) (list method-index name-index))
- ((nil) nil)
- (otherwise (error "Illegal value for *pfi-method-index*: ~S"
- *pfi-method-index*)))
- accessor-names))
- (add-reader (reader-name)
- (add-accessor `(method (,reader-name (,class-name)))
- `(,reader-name (,class-name))))
- (add-writer (writer-name)
- (add-accessor `(method ((setf ,writer-name) (t ,class-name)))
- `((setf ,writer-name) (t ,class-name)))))
- (dolist (slot-def slot-list)
- (do* ((rest-slot-args (cdr slot-def) (cddr rest-slot-args))
- (slot-arg (first rest-slot-args) (first rest-slot-args)))
- ((null rest-slot-args))
- (case slot-arg
- (:reader (add-reader (second rest-slot-args)))
- (:writer (add-writer (second rest-slot-args)))
- (:accessor (add-reader (second rest-slot-args))
- (add-writer (second rest-slot-args)))
- (otherwise nil))))
- (cons `(class (,class-name)) accessor-names)))
- class-name)))
- (defun pfi-method-namer (expression entry)
- (let ((method-name (second expression))
- (specializers nil)
- (qualifiers nil)
- lambda-list)
- (do* ((rest-qualifiers (cddr expression) (cdr rest-qualifiers))
- (qualifier (first rest-qualifiers) (first rest-qualifiers)))
- ((listp qualifier) (setq lambda-list qualifier)
- (setq qualifiers (reverse qualifiers)) qualifiers)
- (push qualifier qualifiers))
- (do* ((rest-lambda-list lambda-list (cdr rest-lambda-list))
- (arg (first rest-lambda-list) (first rest-lambda-list)))
- ((or (member arg lambda-list-keywords) (null rest-lambda-list))
- (setq specializers (reverse specializers)))
- (push (if (listp arg) (second arg) t) specializers))
- (let ((method-index `(method (,method-name ,@qualifiers ,specializers)))
- (name-index `(,method-name ,@qualifiers ,specializers)))
- (case *pfi-method-index*
- (:group method-index)
- (:separate name-index)
- ((t :both) (list method-index name-index))
- ((nil) nil)
- (otherwise (error "Illegal value for *pfi-method-index*: ~S" *pfi-method-index*))))))
- (defun pfi-install-pcl ()
- (pfi-add-method-type)
- (pfi-add-class-type))
- (eval-when (eval load)
- (when (boundp (quote il:*pfi-types*))
- (pfi-install-pcl))
- )